Written By: Dion Warr

My name is Dion Warr, Dee for short, and I am the Communications Intern here at The L3 Agency. I started working for The L3 Agency on July 1st, 2019 under the OneSummerChicago program with Bright Star Community Church.  After the program ended in August, Larvetta L. Loftin, the CEO and Founder of The L3 Agency, offered to keep me on. I was new to the whole “Professional” side of life and how important and effective communication was and still is. In fact, I have to admit that I didn’t take it as seriously as I should have. I thought of it as a great opportunity but I also underestimated the importance and how much it affects client outcomes at L3. 

I believe that the biggest lesson I’ve learned is to take what I do seriously. Take it as a blessing because you never know what may come out of this. I am very proficient in drafting and sending correspondence emails and calls. As little as some may think this is, being able to effectively and efficiently communicate is such a huge plus and something that many companies and businesses look for in an administrative assistant. 

I look forward to learning more from Larvetta and this business. I hope to gain more skills and even start my own, where I assist and counsel young mothers in their dreams in fine and performing arts!