Outreach has always been one of the most effective ways to build a strong personal connection with your target audience. However, oftentimes the success of outreach efforts is determined by the amount of “sign ups” or leads. While those may be some of the indicators of effective outreach those numbers should not represent the bottom line. The L3 Agency believes that people are the bottom line. Using the connections you make while engaging with the community is a key indicator. Connecting with the people on a personal level rather than just selling your product or service as your main strategy.
Over the course of the third quarter the L3 Agency has performed over 20 outreach events. With that knowledge we would like to provide four tips to employ the strategy mentioned above:
1. To reach the community you must represent the community
a. Representation matters. Make sure you are familiar with the demographics of the community. If you are performing an event in a primarily Spanish speaking area make sure you have someone on hand who can translate and interpret.
2. Always maintain a positive attitude and be ready to always engage:
a. Walking in with a positive demeanor helps draw people to you because you have the right attitude to be of service to people who are in need of what you supply. Even if it may not be an event where we are a perfect fit for, still always remain positive, helpful and engaging with the brand.
3. Open a two way line of communication:
a. Making sure the voices are heard and understood. Gather and encourage feedback and ensure that, if possible, the changes they have requested are made
4. Be resourceful
a. Always provide helpful resources that might be helpful to the discussion like phone, email address, social media handle etc. Making sure you have those handy demonstrates leadership and being a problem solver.
Read more about building an effective outreach program in this article” Defining, Building, and Joining an Outreach Program
Read more about ways to open a line of two way communication, not just with the customer, but in the workplace as well, in this article: Two-Way Communication: 4 Tips for a More Engaged Workplace
Katori Shepherd, Assistant AE
While working at the L3 agency, I have been able to attend several outreach events mentioned. So, I was able to see first hand the impact of employing the tips listed above.